How I Use Braille Michelle Smith

Braille is a way to mark and locate information on an item that we cannot see. There is a cell of six spaces that when a dot is placed into a single space or a formation of spaces, it represents a letter or a word. When feeling the dots in a cell concentrate on what the fingertips are touching. Note: make sure the hands are clean and moist with lotion to feel the dots better. I use lotion each time I start to read. Using the Braille to label medicines or spices in the cabinet is a way to make sure you are opening the right item. When cooking, it is important to label and organize your kitchen to be productive without asking for help. There are many ways to mark and label your equipment for you to use easier.
I use Braille to label all of the medicines in my medicine cabinet. This way I can find what is needed at that time. I also label all of my spices and other items that I use in the kitchen for baking and making dishes for my family. I even label my cleaning supplies when I am in the mood to clean around the house. Really, I do clean all the time, just not everything each day. I always make sure my kitchen is always clean and ready to start baking or cooking. Braille can be used to label paperwork that is important for taxes, school or even other important matters. I used the Braille for awhile to label my music CD’s.
There are many uses for Braille and textures to mark your own items for you to use. Finding items that you use or are in need of and not to rely on someone all the time. Just think how good you can feel when taking care of yourself without having to wait on someone. Even having things partially found can make a difference in life’s daily functions.