Review NLS eReader Braille Display

Editor’s Note: This review was contributed by Nicole Matheny from Bakersfield California. A totally blind student who desires to become a writer in her career path.

A Nifty Little Compact Device That Can Fit in your Purse or backpack

Hello readers, what device do you think about when you read the title of this article? Well, it’s “The E-Reader from the National Library Services for the Blind” This is the smallest most compact braille display yet, but it packs a lot of punch. This device can be taken to the doctor’s office, the beauty salon, or even on a trip. This little gadget is even perfect for doing activities require a lot of patience. This little device can also be taken to church, where people can sit quietly and read their prayer books.
This device has a lot of memory on it. I have about 30 books on mine, although I’m not exactly sure how many can fit on this little gadget at any given time. I like using this device rather than carrying those cumbersome braille books. The E-reader can also be paired with a phone or a tablet like most braille displays.
The E-reader fits in a leather case, and it also has a nylon handle for wearing it across your neck or shoulder. It also fits in a leather case, which has a slot on the left so that the power button can be pressed on or off. Above the power button, there is a slot for charging the device. Down below the power button, is a slot to plug in flash drives or digital cartridges. If you move your hand from the left side to the front of the machine, you will see four rectangular buttons and a circular one in the middle. Of the rectangular ones, the two outer ones are longer than the inner ones On the top right corner, there is an earphone jack with a tiny piece of rubber in it to keep dust particles from going in the whole.
Although this device is easy to use when you have set it up with books, the set-up can be a little complex, so I will not give away all the details because the e-reader comes with a hard-copy user manual that is pretty simple to understand. It is tricky if you do not know (ueb) (Unified English Braille) . If you still have trouble, your Braille library is a phone call away.