Instructor Introduction Michelle Smith

My name is Michelle Smith. I have been in Bakersfield for over 30 years. I lost my sight over 20 years ago.

I started at the Braille Center on Baker Street as a client and transitioned into teaching Independent Living Skills and Braille. Teaching clients to be independent with tasks in their home and to live to their fullest.

Working at the Center is a great way to learn how everyone works out problems with cooking in a kitchen to provide meals for the family. Helping visually impaired persons with living and personal skills to improve their independence. I spent about 10 years working with the blind as an instructor teaching and helping with people.

I am a wife, mother and grandmother that loves to help my children to do the best they can in our world. I enjoy walking and playing in the snow. My favorite places are the beach and Lake Tahoe. I enjoy listening to audio books and I love Football. I love going to church and enjoy praying with my friends and helping those people in need. To me family is very important and I consider Commtech USA another extension of my family that is around to help when needed.

Coming to work with Commtech USA is a goal to help more individuals accomplish their life goals in our community.